Friday, December 31, 2010

Rage of Angels (1980) By: Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                                 book cover of   Rage of Angels   by  Sidney Sheldon


Jennifer is a Assistant District Attorney for the State of New York, New York County. A beautiful, inexperienced, criminal defense attorney she becomes the foil for a plot by Michael Moretti, the rising star of one of the most powerful organized crime families in America. Manhattan's District Attorney Robert Di Silva, believing that Jennifer is truly responsible fires her and vows to destroy her for her part in the fiasco with Michael Moretti.

Di Silva arranges young lawyer Adam Warner to meet Parker and to conclude that she is truly responsible for bribe and with that to took away her lawyer license. Upon meeting her Adam falls for Jeniffer and realizes that she isn't guilty at all. With Adam's help Jeniffer begins to rise again, but meanwhile Moretti inspired by her determination to succeed decides he wants her as the Family consigliere (a mafia lawyer).

Adam Warner, married, groomed for the Senate, with possibly a White House destination, he can't help falling in love with Jennifer. When Adam tells Jennifer that his wife has asked for a divorce, Jennifer meets with Warner's wife. Being so close to the Senate election, the two women decide it's best for Adam to wait until after the election. Mary Beth goes to bed one last time with Adam, and tricks him into making her pregnant. Adam learns that his wife is pregnant, wins the election, and tells Jennifer that he truly loves her but they must end their affair. Jennifer having previously discovered that she is pregnant, not wanting to hurt Adam accepts, but doesn't reveal to him that she is carrying his child.

Jennifer gives birth to her son and names him Joshua Adam Parker. She keeps it a secret and only Ken Bailey, her assistant is aware of her son. She returns to practice law and soon makes headlines as a very successful lawyer. Meanwhile, Michael constantly tries to spark friendship with Jennifer but she refuses every time reminding him of the trick he played with her earlier. But, when her son is kidnapped by a criminal Jennifer is defending, she, in desperation, turns to Michael Moretti for help. After helping her, he seduces her and Jeniffer becomes the Family consigliere.


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