Friday, December 31, 2010

Bloodline (1977) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                            book cover of   Bloodline   by  Sidney Sheldon


Roffe and Sons is a family firm, an international empire filled with desperate, cash-hungry family members. At its head was one of the wealthiest men in the world, a man who has just died in a mysterious accident and left his only daughter, Elizabeth, in control of the company. With this, her relatives hoped to be allowed to steal their stocks since the company's bylaws prevent it from becoming public until all shareholders agree to change that and Elizabeth's father was the only one not agreeing. Now as this intelligent, tough, and beautiful young woman dares to save - not sell - Roffe and Sons, she will have to outwit those who secretly want her power, and the unknown assassin who wants her life.She only trusts one person,but he is not family.


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