Friday, December 31, 2010

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883–1885) By Friedrich Nietzsche

Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885. Much of the work deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same", the parable on the "death of God", and the "prophecy" of the Overman, which were first introduced in The Gay Science.

Described by Nietzsche himself as "the deepest ever written," the book is a dense and esoteric treatise on philosophy and morality, featuring as protagonist a fictionalized prophet descending from his recluse to mankind, Zarathustra. A central irony of the text is that Nietzsche mimics the style of the Bible in order to present ideas which fundamentally oppose Christian and Jewish morality and tradition.


Gandhi - A Political and Spiritual Life By Kathryn Tidrick


This fresh and original interpretation of one of the twentieth century's most extraordinary personalities shows for the first time how Gandhi's religious beliefs, political career and personal behaviour form a coherent whole.  Tidrick revealingly examines Gandhi's ideas about the relationship between sexual control and power, and the bizarre and scandalous behaviour that resulted, and explores his interest in new religious and philosophical thinking.  Drawing on material neglected by earlier biographers, the portrait which emerges does not show the secular saint of popular myth but a difficult and self-obsessed man driven to pursue the world-changing destiny he believed was marked out for him.


Osama bin Laden - A Biography By Thomas R. Mockaitis


Osama bin Laden: A Biography

offers a concise, fact-based portrait of a man whose rise from obscurity to notoriety coincides with some of the most traumatic events of the 21st century.
It follows bin Laden's story from his life in Saudi society in the 1960s and 1970s to his religious conversion,
his emergence as a jihadist leader, his horrifying terrorist attacks, and his near-mythic status in parts of the Muslim world today.Drawing on a wide range of sources,
 Osama bin Laden finds the political and religious roots of a worldview that combines devout faith with a belief in violence and terrorism.
The book pays particular attention to the spread of radical Islam from Egypt to Saudi Arabia and beyond, as well as the development of Al Qaeda and its current scope and capabilities.


The Satanic Verses (1988) By Salman Rushdie



The novel consists of a frame narrative, using elements of magical realism, interlaced with a series of sub-plots that are narrated as dream visions experienced by one of the protagonists. The frame narrative, like many other stories by Rushdie, involves Indian expatriates in contemporary England. The two protagonists, Gibreel Farishta and Saladin Chamcha, are both actors of Indian Muslim background. Farishta is a Bollywood superstar who specializes in playing Hindu deities. (The character is partly based on Indian film stars Amitabh Bachchan and Rama Rao.) Chamcha is an emigrant who has broken with his Indian identity and works as a voice over artist in England.

At the beginning of the novel, both are trapped in a hijacked plane during a flight from India to Britain. The plane explodes over the English Channel, but the two are magically saved. In a miraculous transformation, Farishta takes on the personality of the archangel Gibreel, and Chamcha that of a devil.

After being found on the beach, Chamcha is taken into custody by the police, who suspect him of being an illegal immigrant, while Farishta looks on without intervening.

Both characters struggle to piece their lives back together. Farishta seeks and finds his lost love, the English mountaineer Allie Cone, but their relationship is overshadowed by his mental illness. Chamcha, having miraculously regained his human shape, wants to take revenge on Farishta for having forsaken him after their common fall from the hijacked plane. He does so by fostering Farishta's pathological jealousy and thus destroying his relationship with Allie. In another moment of crisis, Farishta realizes what Chamcha has done, but forgives him and even saves his life.

Both return to India. Farishta, still suffering from his illness, kills Allie in another outbreak of jealousy and then commits suicide. Chamcha, who has found not only forgiveness from Farishta but also reconciliation with his estranged father and his own Indian identity, decides to remain in India.


The Satanic Verses (1988) By Salman Rushdie



The novel consists of a frame narrative, using elements of magical realism, interlaced with a series of sub-plots that are narrated as dream visions experienced by one of the protagonists. The frame narrative, like many other stories by Rushdie, involves Indian expatriates in contemporary England. The two protagonists, Gibreel Farishta and Saladin Chamcha, are both actors of Indian Muslim background. Farishta is a Bollywood superstar who specializes in playing Hindu deities. (The character is partly based on Indian film stars Amitabh Bachchan and Rama Rao.) Chamcha is an emigrant who has broken with his Indian identity and works as a voice over artist in England.

At the beginning of the novel, both are trapped in a hijacked plane during a flight from India to Britain. The plane explodes over the English Channel, but the two are magically saved. In a miraculous transformation, Farishta takes on the personality of the archangel Gibreel, and Chamcha that of a devil.

After being found on the beach, Chamcha is taken into custody by the police, who suspect him of being an illegal immigrant, while Farishta looks on without intervening.

Both characters struggle to piece their lives back together. Farishta seeks and finds his lost love, the English mountaineer Allie Cone, but their relationship is overshadowed by his mental illness. Chamcha, having miraculously regained his human shape, wants to take revenge on Farishta for having forsaken him after their common fall from the hijacked plane. He does so by fostering Farishta's pathological jealousy and thus destroying his relationship with Allie. In another moment of crisis, Farishta realizes what Chamcha has done, but forgives him and even saves his life.

Both return to India. Farishta, still suffering from his illness, kills Allie in another outbreak of jealousy and then commits suicide. Chamcha, who has found not only forgiveness from Farishta but also reconciliation with his estranged father and his own Indian identity, decides to remain in India.


Moonwalk By Michael Jackson

Moonwalk cover.jpg

Moonwalk is an autobiography written by American musician Michael Jackson. The book was first published in February 1988, less than a year after the release of Jackson's Bad album, and named after Jackson's signature dance move, the moonwalk. The book was edited by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and reached number one on the New York Times Best Seller list.

The first manuscript of the book was written by Robert Hilburn, which was refused by the publishers, Doubleday, because it lacked "juicy details". A second manuscript was written by Stephen Davis, which Jackson drastically edited. Jackson finally decided to write the book himself, with help from Shaye Areheart (although there were reports that Areheart later quit after Jackson threw a snake at her). Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis edited the book and wrote a three paragraph introduction.

Due to the public interest in Jackson, Moonwalk was prepared for publication in secret. Relatives of Doubleday employees were hired as couriers, to deliver portions of the book from the company's head office in Manhattan to the printing plant in Fairfield, Pennsylvania. At the printing plant, the book was given the code name "Neil Armstrong", after the first "moonwalker".


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


The Alchemist details the journey of a young Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago. Santiago, believing a recurring dream to be prophetic, decides to travel to the pyramids of Egypt to find treasure. On the way, he encounters love, danger, opportunity and disaster. One of the significant characters that he meets is an old king named Melchizedek who tells him that "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." This is the core philosophy and motif of the book.


Ram Gopal Varma's Autobiography - Naa Ishtam - Part 2



The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow

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The book examines the history of scientific knowledge about the universe. It starts with the Ionian Greeks, who claimed that nature works by laws, and not by the will of the gods. It later presents the work of Nicolaus Copernicus, who advocated the concept that the Earth is not located in the center of the universe.

The authors then describe the theory of quantum mechanics using, as an example, the probable movement of an electron around a room. The presentation has been described as easy to understand by some reviewers, but also as sometimes "impenetrable," by others.

The central claim of the book is that the theory of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity together help us understand how universes could have formed out of nothing.

The authors write:

Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.

The authors explain, in a manner consistent with M-theory, that as the Earth is only one of several planets in our solar system, and as our Milky Way galaxy is only one of many galaxies, the same may apply to our universe itself: that is, our universe may be one of a huge number of universes.

The book concludes with the statement that only some universes of the multiple universes (or multiverse) support life forms. We, of course, are located in one of those universes. The laws of nature that are required for life forms to exist appear in some universes by pure chance.


A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking



A Brief History of Time attempts to explain a range of subjects in cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes and light cones, to the nonspecialist reader. Its main goal is to give an overview of the subject but, unusual for a popular science book, it also attempts to explain some complex mathematics.

The author notes that an editor warned him that for every equation in the book the readership would be halved, hence it includes only a single equation: E = mc2. In addition to Hawking's notable abstention from presenting equations, the book also simplifies matters by means of illustrations throughout the text, depicting complex models and diagrams.

The book ends with: "If we find [a unified theory], it would be the ultimate triumph — for then we would know the mind of god"

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The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin S Sharma

"The monk who sold his Ferrari" is a tale, which provides an approach to living a simple life with greater balance, strength, courage and abundance of joy. The fable format is a refreshing change from the tiresome listing of all the good things we could do for ourselves but do not. It makes the message being conveyed linger in our minds. Although most of the principles dealt with can be found in countless other books on self-help and spirituality, there is a difference in the way of Sharma has put things together.

This well crafted story by Robin S Sharma is the tale of Julian Mantle, a lawyer brought face to face with a spiritual crisis. Julian's spark of life begins to flicker. He embarks on a life-changing odyssey and discovers the ancient culture of India. During this journey he learns the value time as the most important commodity and how to cherish relationships, develop joyful thoughts and live fully, one day at a time.

The eleven chapters are meticulously planned and flow seamlessly from one to the next. Julian Mantle, a very successful lawyer was the epitome of success. He had achieved everything most of us could ever want: professional success with an seven figure income, a grand mansion in a neighborhood inhabited by celebrities, a private jet, a summer home on a tropical island and his prized possession a shiny red Ferrari parked in the center of his driveway. Suddenly he has to come terms with the unexpected effects of his unbalanced lifestyle.

John, who is a friend as well as co-worker of Julian, narrates the story. He begins by describing Julian's flamboyant lifestyle, his exaggerated courtroom theatrics, which regularly made the front pages of newspapers and his late night visits to the city's finest restaurants with sexy young models.
Julian Mantle, the great lawyer collapses in the courtroom, sweating and shivering. His obsession with work has caused this heart attack. The last few years Julian had worked day and night without caring about his mental and physical health. That helped him become a very rich and successful lawyer but took a toll on his health and mental state. At fifty-three he looked seventy and had lost his sense of humor. Julian refused to meet any of his friends and colleagues at the hospital. One fine day he quit his law firm and took off without saying where he was headed.

Three years passed without any news from Julian. One day he paid a visit to his friend and former colleague John, who was now a cynical older lawyer. But Julian, in the past three years, had been miraculously transformed into a healthy man with physical vitality and spiritual strength.

Following his heart attack Julian Mantle had sold all his property (Yes, his Ferrari too) and left for India. The author tells us about Julian's Indian odyssey, how he met the sages of Sivana who had a life changing effect on him. Julian Mantle shares his story of transformation, his secrets of a happy and fulfilling life with his friend John. Julian describes Sivana- a small place located in the Himalayas, the land of rose covered huts, placid blue waters with white lotuses floating, youth and vitality, beautiful glowing faces, fresh and exotic fruits. He tells John about the sages of Sivana who knew all secrets of how to live life happily and how to fulfill one's dreams and reach one's destiny.

Julian relates his experiences with yogi Raman the leader of the sages of Sivana and the person who taught Julian his secrets of a happy and fulfilling life. He narrates to John the fable that contained the seven virtues for a life abundant with inner peace, joy and a wealth of spiritual gifts. He tells John the techniques that he learned from yogi Raman on how to master our minds with simple techniques like "the heart of rose technique" and "the secret of lake technique". He tells John how to cultivate the mind and how to use setbacks for expanding knowledge of the self.

He talks about setting and following our own purpose and teaches John the ancient art of self-leadership with techniques such as "do the things you fear" and "the 5 step method for attaining goals". He waxes eloquent about the value of self-discipline and respect for time. He describes techniques such as "the ancient rule of 20" and "the vow of silence". He teaches how to focus on the priorities and thereby maintain a balance and simplify life. He gives examples that prove that willpower is the essential virtue of a fully actualized life.

Julian teaches John the virtue of selflessness in serving others. He asks John to embrace the present and live in the present - "Now", never to sacrifice happiness for achievements and to savor the journey of life and live each day as his last one. At the end he asks John to spread these secrets for the benefit of other people. Embracing John like the brother he never had, Julian leaves.

For the reader who might be in the rat race for material success and money, this book might be food for thought. But the message is a trifle too clichéd and the lectures too pedantic for the reader who is more or less conversant with the principles and insights garnered by Julian Mantle from the sages of Sivana. The presentation in the form of a story redeems the book to some extent. The book might perhaps be more satisfactory for readers who are unfamiliar with and hungry for oriental wisdom. All in all, a book of wisdom.


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

                                                                                                          Think And Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development and self-help book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion from Scottish-American businessman Andrew Carnegie. It was first published in 1937 during the Great Depression. It remains the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books - a perennial best-seller after 70 years (BusinessWeek Magazine's Best-Seller List ranked Think and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperback business book 70 years after it was first published). Think and Grow Rich is listed in John C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" Books List.


The text of Think and Grow Rich is founded on Hill's earlier work The Law of Success, the result of more than twenty years of research based on Hill's close association with a large number of individuals who achieved great wealth during their lifetimes.

At Andrew Carnegie's bidding, Hill studied the characteristics of these achievers and developed 16 "laws" of success intended to be applied by anybody to achieve success.Think and Grow Rich condenses these laws further and provides the reader with 13 principles in the form of a philosophy of personal achievement.


Nancy Drew:Mystery of Crocodile Island By:Carolyn Keene


Mystery of Crocodile Island is the fifty-fifth volume in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories series. It was first published in 1978 under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. The actual author was ghostwriter Harriet Stratemeyer Adams


: The Complete Collection Of Sidney Sheldon


  • The Naked Face (1970)
  • The Other Side of Midnight (1973)
  • A Stranger in the Mirror (1976)
  • Bloodline (1977)
  • Rage of Angels (1980)
  • Master of the Game (1982)
  • If Tomorrow Comes (1985)
  • Windmills of the Gods (1987)
  • The Sands of Time (1988)
  • Memories of Midnight (1990)
  • The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991)
  • The Stars Shine Down (1992)
  • Nothing Lasts Forever (1994)
  • Morning, Noon and Night (1995)
  • The Best Laid Plans (1997)
  • Tell Me Your Dreams (1998)
  • The Sky Is Falling (2001)
  • Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004)
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Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                          book cover of   Are You Afraid of the Dark?   by  Sidney Sheldon


In four cities across the world, four people die violently and mysteriously. The dead share a single crucial link: each was connected to an all-powerful environmental think tank. Two of the victims' widows—accomplished artist Diane Stevens and international supermodel Kelly Harris—may hold the key to their husbands' demise. Terrified for their lives, suspicious of each other, and armed only with their own wits and guile, they must join forces in a nightmare cycle of hunt-and-kill. At stake is the shattering truth about the tragedies that robbed them of the men they loved...and about an awesome conspiracy whose ultimate target is as big as the earth and as close as the air we breathe.

Are You Afraid of the Dark? is a 2004 novel and the last novel by bestselling thriller writer Sidney Sheldon.


Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                          book cover of   Are You Afraid of the Dark?   by  Sidney Sheldon


In four cities across the world, four people die violently and mysteriously. The dead share a single crucial link: each was connected to an all-powerful environmental think tank. Two of the victims' widows—accomplished artist Diane Stevens and international supermodel Kelly Harris—may hold the key to their husbands' demise. Terrified for their lives, suspicious of each other, and armed only with their own wits and guile, they must join forces in a nightmare cycle of hunt-and-kill. At stake is the shattering truth about the tragedies that robbed them of the men they loved...and about an awesome conspiracy whose ultimate target is as big as the earth and as close as the air we breathe.

Are You Afraid of the Dark? is a 2004 novel and the last novel by bestselling thriller writer Sidney Sheldon.


The Sky Is Falling (2001) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                           book cover of   The Sky Is Falling   by  Sidney Sheldon


A spellbinding novel of glamour, sex, power,and murder that spans the globe

If America had a royal family, the Winthrops would wear the crown. The popular, charismatic Winthrops have captured the imagination of the world with their public service, their enormous charity, and their glamorous lives. But in a single year, all five members of the family are killed in a series of accidents.

Dana Evans, a beautiful young anchorwoman with a Washington television network, believes there is something more sinister behind their deaths. She begins an investigation and starts uncovering compelling evidence that she can hardly believe.

In her determined pursuit of the truth, Dana never anticipated the cat-and-mouse chase that leads her through a half-dozen countries in search of a remorseless killer. As she closes in on her suspect, the shocking secrets she then unearths place Dana and her young son in dire jeopardy and -- in an unexpected turn of events -- Dana becomes the hunted.

Can Dana outwit her pursuers and expose the truth that will astound the world? Readers should prepare themselves for the breathtaking journey through the skillful twists and turns of the plot that are Sidney Sheldon's hallmark.

A dynamite thriller filled with all the elements that have made his previous works phenomenal bestsellers, The Sky Is Falling is Sidney Sheldon at his sizzling best.


Tell Me Your Dreams (1998) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                              book cover of   Tell Me Your Dreams   by  Sidney Sheldon


The main character of the book is Ashley Patterson, an introverted workaholic, and her co-workers, Toni Prescott, an outgoing singer and dancer, and shy artist Alette Peters and a policeman.

The three women do not get along very well, because of their dissimilar natures. Toni and Alette generally maintain a friendship, with Alette a calming influence, but Toni dislikes Ashley and criticizes her harshly. All three women have issues with their mothers having told them they'd never amount to anything.

Ashley fears that somebody is following her. She's found her house lights turned on when she comes home from work, her personal effects in disarray, and someone has written "You will die" on her mirror with a lipstick. She thinks someone's broken into her house. She requests a police escort, but the next morning, the police officer assigned to this duty is found dead in her apartment. Two other murders have already taken place, with an identical pattern.All the murdered men had been castrated and were having sex before being murdered.Evidence points to the same woman being involved in all three cases. When a gift from one of the murdered men to Toni is found in Ashley's things, she is identified as the killer and arrested. At this point, it is revealed that the three women are three selves in a multiple personality group.

Ashley's father persuades an attorney friend to represent Ashley. The second half of the novel deals with the trial, complete with endless squabbling between opposing psychiatrists as to whether or not MPD is real. Finally when Ashley's advocate introduces Toni, the violent alter of Ashley, the court is convinced that Ashley is innocent. Ashley is committed to an insane asylum and in the course of therapy is introduced to her two "alters" and relives the horrific events that shattered her mind.She was sexually abused by her father during childhood and this made her to develop a strong hatred towards men.

There in the asylum , doctor Gilbert treats her for the MPD. He is attracted to her and during her crisis he also feels her pain and wants to comfort her.In the end, you believe she is cured after a long struggle. It's found out that her father was the one who sexually abused her, and caused her to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder.

The Indian movie Anniyan was inspired by this novel. Anniyan is based on multiple personality disorder.


The Best Laid Plans (1997) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                         book cover of   The Best Laid Plans   by  Sidney Sheldon


Oliver Russell, a man with a desire for power, is fated to rise to the highest office, that of President of the United States. Leslie Stewart, his betrayed fiancé, is a woman dedicated to the single purpose of bringing Oliver Russell to ruin. After amassing her own media empire and marshaling all her forces against him, she stands poised to destroy Russell on the eve of his most dazzling triumph. Thinking only of preventing Oliver from winning the Presidency for a second term, little did she know that she was about to fall into her own trap.

When Oliver returns from Paris married to Jan, Leslie vows to avenge him. However she keeps her thoughts concealed. This makes Todd Davis, Jan's father, introduce her to one of his friends, who owns a newspaper. A brief introduction followed by marriage sees Leslie man her husband's empire. With his falling health and subsequent death, Leslie becomes the sole owner of his properties. In spite of all the other businesses, Leslie takes an immense liking for the media empire, with which she intends to destroy Oliver. During this part, Dana Evans, who stars in Sheldon's other novel "Sky is Falling" appears as an inquisitive reporter who adopts a boy from war torn Sarajevo.

In the meantime, Oliver becomes the president and alongside occur a series of death, all due to toxicity of Liquid Ecstacy (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine).While Leslie is convinced it is Oliver who is behind these murders, goes on to publish the news of his arrest before it is confirmed. Dana Evans in the meantime unmasks the real culprit, while the president reveals a shocking secret.

The book ends with the proposal of a peace pact by the Arab nations, while Leslie is left wondering if she had gone a bit too far.


The Best Laid Plans (1997) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                         book cover of   The Best Laid Plans   by  Sidney Sheldon


Oliver Russell, a man with a desire for power, is fated to rise to the highest office, that of President of the United States. Leslie Stewart, his betrayed fiancé, is a woman dedicated to the single purpose of bringing Oliver Russell to ruin. After amassing her own media empire and marshaling all her forces against him, she stands poised to destroy Russell on the eve of his most dazzling triumph. Thinking only of preventing Oliver from winning the Presidency for a second term, little did she know that she was about to fall into her own trap.

When Oliver returns from Paris married to Jan, Leslie vows to avenge him. However she keeps her thoughts concealed. This makes Todd Davis, Jan's father, introduce her to one of his friends, who owns a newspaper. A brief introduction followed by marriage sees Leslie man her husband's empire. With his falling health and subsequent death, Leslie becomes the sole owner of his properties. In spite of all the other businesses, Leslie takes an immense liking for the media empire, with which she intends to destroy Oliver. During this part, Dana Evans, who stars in Sheldon's other novel "Sky is Falling" appears as an inquisitive reporter who adopts a boy from war torn Sarajevo.

In the meantime, Oliver becomes the president and alongside occur a series of death, all due to toxicity of Liquid Ecstacy (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine).While Leslie is convinced it is Oliver who is behind these murders, goes on to publish the news of his arrest before it is confirmed. Dana Evans in the meantime unmasks the real culprit, while the president reveals a shocking secret.

The book ends with the proposal of a peace pact by the Arab nations, while Leslie is left wondering if she had gone a bit too far.


Morning, Noon and Night (1995) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                              book cover of   Morning, Noon and Night   by  Sidney Sheldon


Harry Stanford is a rich businessman. While travelling on his yacht, he mysteriously falls overboard owing to a storm, leaving his entire fortune, estimated to be around six to seven billion dollars to his three children-Tyler, a circuit court judge, Kendall a successful fashion designer and Woodrow a playboy who loves playing polo. But just when they are celebrating the fact that their much-hated father finally died, their illegitimate half-sister, Julia, comes in.......


Nothing Lasts Forever (1994) By:Sidney Sheldon


                                                                                                         book cover of   Nothing Lasts Forever   by  Sidney Sheldon


This medical thriller tells the story of three female doctors trying to prove themselves in a profession dominated by men. Each of them has their own story, and each of their tales are well connected and intertwined with each other. But suddenly there is chaos, one dies, another is about to get the hospital shut down, and the third faces the death penalty for murder. The novel follows a twisty plot with a typical Sheldon surprise ending.


Nothing Lasts Forever (1994) By:Sidney Sheldon


                                                                                                         book cover of   Nothing Lasts Forever   by  Sidney Sheldon


This medical thriller tells the story of three female doctors trying to prove themselves in a profession dominated by men. Each of them has their own story, and each of their tales are well connected and intertwined with each other. But suddenly there is chaos, one dies, another is about to get the hospital shut down, and the third faces the death penalty for murder. The novel follows a twisty plot with a typical Sheldon surprise ending.


The Stars Shine Down (1992) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                              book cover of   The Stars Shine Down   by  Sidney Sheldon


The novel tells the story of Lara Cameron, a successful real estate developer who came from a broken family in Nova Scotia. Lara's mother dies in childbirth and her Scottish father doesn't want her. Early in life, she learns to fend for herself and how to get her own way in a male-dominated world. After her father's death, Lara makes a deal with the owner of the boarding house to secure her first building. Thrilled at her success, she moves to Chicago to start her real estate empire. Even though she encounters many problems, she is able to overcome them all and become one of America's most successful businesswomen.


The Stars Shine Down (1992) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                              book cover of   The Stars Shine Down   by  Sidney Sheldon


The novel tells the story of Lara Cameron, a successful real estate developer who came from a broken family in Nova Scotia. Lara's mother dies in childbirth and her Scottish father doesn't want her. Early in life, she learns to fend for herself and how to get her own way in a male-dominated world. After her father's death, Lara makes a deal with the owner of the boarding house to secure her first building. Thrilled at her success, she moves to Chicago to start her real estate empire. Even though she encounters many problems, she is able to overcome them all and become one of America's most successful businesswomen.


The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                         book cover of   The Doomsday Conspiracy   by  Sidney Sheldon


The protagonist of the story is Robert Bellamy, a man hired by the NSA to locate the several bus passengers in Switzerland who had accidentally seen a weather balloon with some top secret equipment (later on identified as a UFO) collapsing in the woods. As Robert locates the passengers one by one, they are mysteriously killed. Each murder has been meticulously staged to appear as an accident. Robert's marriage also dissolves, as his wife, starved for attention by Robert, marries a rich business tycoon Monte Banks.

As Commander Robert Bellamy of US naval is in the verge of completion of his mission, he learns that he is being hunted by an unknown lethal force. Robert runs escaping from the attackers from Washington to Zurich, Rome and Paris. As the story unfolds to reveal Bellamy's past - why the women he loves cannot return his love, why his most beloved friends become his deadly enemies. Bellamy finally learns that the investigation ends in the place where he had started it...with an incredible conclusion.


Memories of Midnight (1990) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                                  book cover of   Memories of Midnight    (Other Side of Midnight, book 2)  by  Sidney Sheldon


The plot of Memories of Midnight takes off from the ending of The Other Side of Midnight, where Catherine Douglas is recovering in a convent. The world thinks that she has been killed by her husband Larry Douglas and his mistress Noelle Page, except Constantin Demiris, known as Costa. But Catherine wants to discover herself and know who she is. The only thing she knows is that her name is Catherine Alexander. She requests to see the world outside the convent in order to reveal her past. This request is granted by the Sister of the convent, but only after getting the approval from their mentor Constantin Demiris.

It is there in Greece that she realizes that her husband and his mistress tried to kill her. She remembers them trying to drown her and this becomes a recurring dream. When she tells all this to Costa, he is a bit angry as he didn't want her uncovering her past as she is the last link to the case in which Larry and Noelle were wrongly accused of killing her and sentenced to death. So he sends her off to London to work in one of his various offices.

At this point in time, Constantin Demiris seems like a benefactor to Catherine as she has no knowledge of what Constantin Demiris has planned for her.

Trouble starts brewing when Frederick Stavros begin to feel guilty for sending Larry and Noelle to their death as he was their lawyer and they were all tricked into pleading guilty by Napoleon Chotas. He dies shortly after confiding this news to a priest who after his death tells this news to an employee working in the office of Spyros Lambrou, the brother of Costa's wife Melina. This news reaches Spyros Lambrou who uses this news to destroy Costa as Costa had maltreated his wife, Spyros' sister.

This is when Napoleon Chotas starts fearing for his own life. He leaves a package with a prosecuting attorney, Peter Demonides, and sends a tape referring to this to Costa. The next day Chotas' house is burned down. He dies and the package is delivered to Costa, rather than the authorities by Peter, who starts working for him. Meanwhile, Catherine finds a good friend in Kirk Reynolds who is in love with her and wants to marry her although Catherine is a bit reluctant. She confides in him that her husband and his mistress attempted to kill her and were executed for it. Kirk reassures her by saying that from the little he knows about Greek law he is confident that their law doesn't sentence anyone to death on account of attempted murder. Still, he will make sure by asking one of his acquaintance, Peter Demonides. Within a day of relating Catherine's story to Peter, he dies.

In the meantime, Spyros tries to destroy Costa by narrating this incident to a drug dealer, Tony Rizzoli and advices him to trick Costa into taking one of his drug shipments to USA. But Constantin Demiris kills Tony and destroys his shipment and then threatens Spyros by telling him that he will destroy him but will first take care of his sister. When Spyros tells this to Melina, she assures him by saying that she can take care of herself. Her brother's house is attacked but he and his wife survive the attcack. This is when she becomes confident that Costa wants to destroy them. Hence, she kills herself and fakes it in such a way that it seems that Constantin Demiris has murdered her. Meanwhile, Costa has ordered the killing of Catherine Alexander. Costa gets arrested for the murder of his wife. The only one who can save him is Sypros Lambrou, who can give an alibi for the time of the murder but, won't do so as he detests Constantin Demiris and wants him dead. This is when Napoleon Chotas makes a reappearance after mysteriously surviving the fire, which burned his house. He fights the case of Constantine Demiris. He convinces Spyros into giving testimony for Costa, arguing that instead of having him dead it will be better if he forces him to live in poverty. This will be achieved by Costa transferring all the assets of his company to Spyros in return for SPyros' testimony. On the other hand Costa and Chotas have already planned that the assets of Costa's company will first be shifted to a firm owned by Napoleon Chotas himself, so that Spyros will get nothing.

Catherine goes into psychoanalysis but in turn falls in love with the doctor Alan Hamilton who also falls in love with her. This is when 3 men arrive in London to study the operation taking place there and they all seem pretty weird and she has a bad feeling about them but it is not until she is to be killed that she realizes that it is not the 3 men but the office boy who came along with them who has come to kill her. He tries to kill her by locking and tying her up in the basement and turning up the thermostat of the boiler which will explode when it reaches 400 degree Celsius but she manages to survive by hiding in the bomb shelter. She comes to know the truth about Costa and also the fact that he was convicted. She marries Alan.

Constantin Demiris is being tried for a murder he didn't commit but, on the last day of the gruesome 10 day trial, Spyros Lambrou testifies, setting Constantin Demiris free. Afterwards, on the way to Napoleon's home, Napoleon confide in Costa that even he liked Noelle Page though he still helped him in killing her. He starts driving faster and tells him that he has donated all the assets of his company to the convent. Finally, he drives the car over the cliff down the steep mountainside.

" The car tumbles end over end until it finally crashes in the sea. There is a tremendous explosion and then a deep silence and its was over." (quoted from the book Memories of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon)


The Sands of Time (1988) By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                             The Sands of Time (1988)   By:Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                             book cover of   The Sands of Time   by  Sidney Sheldon


The story begins in Pamplona, Spain in 1976. The Basque people are fighting against Spain for their rights to free speech and cultural independence. While people are distracted with bulls let loose in the town during a fight, the famous Jaime Miró (a member of the Basque terrorist group ETA) sneaks into the Pamplona prison disguised as a priest and escapes with two of his fellow terrorists, Ricardo Mellado and Felix Carpio.

The Prime Minister assigns Colonel Ramón Acoca (head of the anti-ETA group GOE) to find and kill Jaime Miró. Acoca has his own reasons for killing the terrorists; he vowed revenge after his wife and unborn child were killed in a Basque demonstration years before.

The Cistercian Convent of the Strict Observance had been running just outside of a town called Ávila since 1601, one of seven left in Spain after the Civil War had destroyed hundreds of them. The nuns know nothing of the outside world; in their discipline they eat little, pray at least eight times a day, flagellate (whip) themselves at least once a week, and carry out their assigned tasks. Their only valuable asset is a donated solid gold cross, hidden away so that the nuns only know poverty. The nuns have no eye contact nor speech, only using an ancient, secret sign language to communicate with each other. The convent is run by the Reverend Mother Betina.

A new nun, Sister Lucia, is only at the convent to hide from the police. As Lucia Carmine the daughter of a Mafia boss in Italy, lost everything when her father's business crumbled. Lucia attempts to flee the country, deciding to go to Switzerland, where a hidden bank account contains millions of dollars promised to her by her father. However, while going through Spain, she decides to hide out at the convent so the police won't find her.

Meanwhile, Colonel Accoa believing the nuns are hiding Jaime Miró, has his men raid the convent, arresting and raping the nuns. Before she is arrested, the Reverend Mother Betina gives the gold cross to Sister Teresa, who is one of four nuns (including Sisters Lucia, Megan, and Graciela). Lucia leads the nuns through the countryside to a safe convent, planning to steal the gold cross, pawn it, and get money and a fake passport to go to Switzerland and get her money.

Colonel Acoca is furious; he has figured out that four of the nuns are missing and is convinced that Jaime Miró escaped before the soldiers got there. The Prime Minister doubts that he was there in the first place and believes that Acoca is starting to get out of control, but continues to have the Colonel search for both Miró and the missing nuns.

The four nuns meet up with a man who calls himself Friar Carrillo, who brings them to a store so they can change. He takes Graciela away from the other nuns for a minute and begins to rape her, but the other nuns intervene, tying up Carrillo, who was a wanted murderer posing as a Friar to steal from the monasteries in his travels. The nuns leave Carrillo in the store and continue traveling.

In the forest they run into Jaime Miró hiding with his men, Ricardo and Felix from the prison, Jaime's girlfriend Amparo, and Rubio Arzano, another man, and decide to travel on together.

The owner of the store turns Carrillo over to the Colonel, who has connected him to the nuns because of the robes left in the store. Acoca beats Carrillo until he tells him about the nuns. However, angry that Acoca hurt him, he does not tell them where they are going.

Sister Teresa is convinced that the terrorists are bad men trying to kidnap her. She starts to have flashbacks of her life with Monique, and thinks she sees Monique's baby even though the child would be over 30 by now. In this way the reader begins to understand Teresa is heading for a nervous breakdown.

At this time, in another part of the world Ellen Scott, CEO of a major New York company called Scott Industries is also having flashbacks. She started out as a worker in one of the company's factories, and attracted the attention of Milo Scott, the younger brother of the CEO of the company when she saved him from a factory accident. They married, but Ellen noticed that Byron, her brother-in-law, pushed Milo around, giving him all the dirty jobs. Her only hope was that one day, Byron would die and leave the company to Milo, leaving him free to run the company as he wished. However, Byron and his wife Susan have a baby girl name Patricia, their heir. Ellen assumed the child would inherit the company. While on a business trip to Spain, the private jet that Ellen, Milo, Byron, Susan, and Patricia were traveling in crashes, killing everyone accept Milo, Ellen, and the baby. Taking control, Ellen forces Milo to abandon the baby at a farm so that the baby will be presumed dead and the company will go to Milo. When they read Byron's will later, they discover that although his fortune was left to Patricia, the company was left to Milo. Milo feels guilty, but Ellen convinces him that they did the right thing. Milo dies a year later, and Ellen becomes the new CEO of Scott Industries. Now in present day (1976, 28 years later), Ellen is dying of cancer and needs to leave the company to someone. She hires her chief of security, former detective Alan Tucker to search for a baby abandoned in Ávila, Spain 28 years before.

Back in Spain, Colonel Acoca informs his colleagues that the nuns are with Jaime Miró. When they inquire how he found this information, he replies that one of Miró's terrorists is an informant.

Sister Teresa is slowly going insane, believing that the terrorists were hired by Raoul to kidnap her and take her back to Èze, France, where she grew up. While everyone is sleeping, she wanders around the area until she finds Colonel Acoca's men and informs them that they are hiding in the nearby hills. Lucia takes this chance to secure the cross, which she keeps with her.

Meanwhile, Alan Tucker is in Ávila speaking to a priest who assisted the farmer couple who discovered baby Patricia after Milo and Ellen abandoned her. He finds out that the baby was immediately hospitalized for pneumonia, and then taken to a nearby orphanage because the farmers couldn't afford to raise a child. However, they name the little girl Megan before leaving her at the orphanage. Tucker finds out that she became a nun, and that she was currently on the run from Colonel Acoca's men. Alan starts to make connections, and realizes that this is baby Patricia, a fact that Ellen purposely left out when she gave him the assignment. Excited, Alan decides to blackmail Ellen with the information he has just found.

Colonel Acoca's men raid Jaime Miró's camp with the nuns, and they split up to avoid capture - Ricardo Mellado with Sister Graciela, Rubio Arzano with Sister Lucia, and Jaime Miró, Felix Carpio, and Amparo with Sister Megan. But Colonel Acoca captures Sister Teresa. He interrogates her for information she doesn't have, and when he gets nothing, his men take turns raping her until she speaks. However, she pulls out a pistol and shoots at them, so they are forced to shoot her, killing her.

Lucia is starting to fall in love with Rubio, who thinks she's been in the convent for ten years. He tries to explain the current state of the world, which Lucia already knows.

At the same time, Jaime is reflecting upon his life as a terrorist. His father was one of the few Basque men who would not join the ETA because it was violent. When the Spanish invaded their town, they took refuge at a church because Jaime's father said it would be safe. All of the Miró family is killed except Jaime, who vows revenge. This also explains his initial reluctance at having the nuns accompany his terrorists, because he did not trust the church. His girlfriend Amparo is just as dedicated as he is. Jaime and Megan start to bond, much to Amparo's chagrin. As the group stops at a hotel for the night, the room clerk calls the police and tells them that Jaime Miró is staying at his hotel. The police storm the hotel and find that Miró and the rest of the group are already gone. The Prime Minister expresses his disappointment in Colonel Acoca because he had not found Miró yet.

Rubio asks Lucia to say a prayer. Lucia panics, but shares the 23rd psalm ("The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…"). For the first time in her life, Lucia understands the prayer and what it means to her. While taking a bath in a stream, Lucia almost drowns, and Rubio saves her. Overcome with love, she convinces Rubio to sleep with her. Rubio wishes to marry her, and Lucia finds herself wishing she could, if she didn't have to leave him and go to Switzerland with the money from the cross, which she is still carrying. When they finally come to a small town, Lucia goes to a pawn shop and haggles for money and a passport. She tells the clerk that she will keep the cross with her until later when the passport is finished, but feels upset at the thought of leaving Rubio. They have dinner together, but Rubio is stabbed when he defends a snide comment someone makes about Lucia. They run to a church, where Lucia tries her best to take care of him, but is forced to go to a hospital to take care of him. They are both arrested, because the authorities recognize Rubio as a terrorist and Lucia as the mafia murderer from Italy.

Sister Graciela and Ricardo Mellado had been traveling together for just as the others, but Graciela would not talk to Ricardo despite his best efforts. Although he is exasperated with her cold shoulder, he is reluctantly starting to fall for her. It isn't until she is almost attacked by a wild wolf in a cave that she begins to speak to him. She doesn't want to love him because of her memories with the Moor, but falls for him anyway, agreeing to marry him.

Alan Tucker goes to the orphanage to find more information about Megan/Patricia, but the owner gives him false dates because Ellen Scott paid her to confuse Alan. Ellen feared that Alan knew too much, and she already had the information she needed from him. Alan's only job now is to find Megan and bring her to Ellen.

Megan is still bonding with Jaime, and Amparo is growing angry. They hide out at a bullfight, where Megan impresses Jaime with her knowledge of the subject. They discover that Rubio and Lucia were arrested, and Megan is shocked to find out that Lucia was lying because she genuinely liked her. She is also saddened to hear about Sister Teresa's death. Jaime and Megan speak to each other some more, and Megan grows sympathetic to his ideals even though she believes that violence is wrong. Jaime holds up a bank to get money to continue traveling, and Acoca soon confronts the bank teller. Security is tightened all over, but Megan proves her usefulness when she puts on a show for the soldiers by convincing them that she has been exposed to typhoid from her sons and gets the group through, gaining Jaime's admiration. Jaime asks her if she still wants to go back to the convent, and Megan states that she isn't sure. Jaime is convinced that someone is telling Acoca his secrets, and suspects Felix. Amparo tells Jaime that she answered a call from one of Jaime's friends, and that Jaime should meet him in the town square for information. However, when Jaime goes, Megan overhears Amparo speaking to Colonel Acoca on the phone, exposing Amparo as the traitor. Megan, realizing that it was a trap, runs to the square and fakes an argument with a heavily disguised Jaime, so the soldiers won't know that Jaime was there. Jaime is exceedingly grateful to Megan for saving him, and confronts Amparo. Amparo tells him that she is sick of the bloodshed, and Jaime agrees to keep her with them, but she is only treated like a traitor.

Colonel Acoca discovers that Jaime escaped the trap, and Alan Tucker reads about it in the newspaper. Acoca decides to meet the group (now reunited with Ricardo and Graciela at a Circus) at the convent, where he assumes they are going. Jaime updates Ricardo and Graciela on Lucia, Rubio, and Teresa's whereabouts. Jaime realizes that Acoca is waiting for them at the convent, so they don't get caught. The group goes to the countryside again and waits with Basque friends. Jaime takes Amparo out for a drink, and puts powder in it, convincing Amparo that he is going to kill her (it's really only crushed up sleeping pills). He takes her back to the house and sends her up to her room to "die."

Jaime asks Megan to wait in France with an aunt of his until he is done fighting so they can marry. She doesn't say no, but thinks about it. She and Graciela debate about leaving the convent, wondering if they will miss it.

The next morning, the group tries to leave the small Basque town only to be caught by Colonel Acoca, who was tipped off by Amparo, whose sleeping pills wore off quicker than Jaime had thought. Jaime threatens Acoca with a fight from the townspeople, forcing him to reluctantly retreat. Colonel Acoca has failed, and he knows that he will be killed.

He tells Megan that they can run away together right away, but is interrupted by Alan Tucker, who has finally found Megan. He tells her that he is going to bring her to Ellen Scott. Megan is thrilled that she finally knows where she came from, but knows that she must leave Jaime for a while. She promises that she will be back soon.

Ricardo and Graciela are about to be married, but Graciela stops during the ceremony and decides that she would miss her life at the convent too much.

Jaime's men get Rubio and Lucia out of prison by convincing the local authorities that they are to take them to Colonel Acoca to be interrogated. The sergeant makes a mock call to "the Colonel", who "tells" him that the men are right. Jaime's men have interfered with the telephone wires, so he believes it is Acoca. Rubio and Lucia are reunited, and Lucia gets to Switzerland to collect her money, 13 million dollars.

Megan is adopted by Ellen (so nothing has to be explained), and takes over Scott Industries when she dies. Three years go by, and Jaime has been caught and sentenced to death. Megan tries to save him by getting good lawyers, and even seeing the Prime Minister, but nothing happens. The execution appears to have been carried out perfectly. Megan has Jaime's body bag delivered to her. She unzips it, and Jaime comes out of the bag, perfectly fine. Megan paid off the men who were supposed to carry out the execution (she gives them enough money to leave the country, and apparently enough that the one man can open up a hospital). She asks Jaime what kind of wine he would like with their dinner.

Colonel Acoca is called to a meeting, but he knows that they are going to kill him and that there is no meeting.

Lucia and Rubio are married with twins, a boy and a girl. They live in the French countryside where Rubio is a farmer.

With the gold cross, Sister Graciela returns to the convent where life goes on as it did before


Windmills of the Gods (1987) By:Sidney Sheldon

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Mary Ashley, a professor at Kansas State University, is offered an ambassadorship by Paul Ellison, the US president. She rejects the offer because her husband, Dr. Edward Ashley, does not want to leave his medical practice, and she is not willing to be separated from him. She also feels that it is harder to find a good doctor for a small Kansas town than an ambassador to a foreign country. When her husband suddenly dies in a suspicious traffic accident, Ashley accepts the President's offer in order to fill the void in her life. She is sent to Romania, behind the Iron Curtain, where she finds that everyone is conspiring against her. She's on the glinting edge of East-West confrontation, a beautiful and accomplished scholar who has suddenly become the new US ambassador to an Iron Curtain country, a woman who is about to dramatically change the course of world events – if she lives. For Mary Ashley has been marked for death by the world's most proficient and mysterious assassin, and plunged into a nightmare of espionage, kidnapping and terror.

The world's most efficient and mysterious assassin has marked her for death, thereby plunging her into a nightmare of terror. Only two people—both powerfully attractive and enigmatic men—can help her. And one of them wants to kill her.


If Tomorrow Comes (1985) By:Sidney Sheldon

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Tracy Whitney, the protagonist of the story, is a young, beautiful, and intelligent woman working as a computer operator for a bank in Philadelphia. The story begins with a phone conversation between Tracy and her mother Doris Whitney, who lives in New Orleans and takes care of the business set up by her deceased husband. Tracey tells her mother about her planned marriage with a businessman, Charles Stanhope III. Doris commits suicide after the conversation and Tracy is notified about it by a Lieutenant of the New Orleans police department. Upon arriving at New Orleans, Tracey becomes aware of the circumstances that led to her mother's suicide. She learns that Joe Romano, the main assistant of New Orleans' mafia leader Anthony Orsatti, had framed her mother into a legal case relating to fraud—Doris didn't have the money to fight the case and decided to commit suicide.

Tracey is filled with hatred for Romano, and naively decides to bring her mother's name in the clear by making Romano confess his misdeed. She purchases a gun, which she only intends to use to threaten Romano, and reaches Romano's house. Romano lets her in and offers her a drink, while she asks him to write out a confession letter. Romano refuses, snatches the gun and tries to rape Tracey. Tracey grabs the gun during the struggle and accidentally fires a shot at Romano. She is horrified, as she never intended to kill Romano. She calls for medical aid and then flees to the airport where she is arrested by two policemen.

She learns that Romano was alive, only wounded by the shot. The plaintiff accuses her of attempted murder and stealing a costly painting from Romano's house. She is assigned an attorney named Perry Pope who, to her ignorance, works for the mafia. Pope convinces her to plead guilty in court before Judge Lawrence (who is also secretly a mafia man) and promises that she'll be given only a three month prison sentences. She follows his advice, and realizes in court that it was all a setup by Orsatti and Romano to destroy her — Lawrence sentences her 15 years of incarceration in Southern Louisiana Penitentiary for Women. Charles doesn't give her a chance to let her explain her version of the incident, and leaves her at her fate with his unborn child in her womb. Tracy enters a life of hardship, sexual harassment and violence at the penitentiary and vows revenge against all those who harmed her and her mother. The title of the novel itself is from a melodramatic quote in the novel, where Tracy vows to take her revenge tomorrow, if tomorrow comes:

" She was going to make them pay… Tomorrow, she thought. If tomorrow comes. "

Eventually, she becomes the nanny for the prison warden's young daughter, a job that leads to her release from jail. After coming out, she cunningly sets up distrust among Romano, Perry Pope and Orsatti, and frames Judge Lawrence in Russia over spying charges, thus ruining Anthony Orsatti's empire.

Desperate, unable to find a job as an ex-convict, she turns to a well-known New York City jewelry store owner (and fence) who helps her make some fast money in a jewel heist. Escaping with the goods, Tracy has an encounter with Jeff Stevens, a master con man. Stevens steals the jewels from Tracy, who realizes she's been had. She then cons Jeff, taking back her prize. Not long after, Tracy travels to England and is introduced to Gunther Hartog, a world-class fence for valuable stolen property. Thus begins her life as one of the world's cleverest criminals. Tracy pursues some brilliant con schemes filled with humor and ingenuity all over Europe — such as stealing jewelery from an actress on the Orient Express, valuable painting from a museum, reselling a gem to a jeweler for much higher than its worth, etc. The Interpol issues alerts all over Europe in search of - as they perceive it - a gang of con-women. Only Daniel Cooper, a plain-looking sociopath and insurance investigator, seems capable of matching Tracy's brilliance; although he never manages to catch her red-handed. In the end, after having collected enough money to live a luxurious life, Tracy and Jeff plan to marry and live together in Brazil as law-abiding citizens.

Unusually, the book presents the nominal "villains" – Tracy and Jeff – as sympathetic and kind-hearted, while the pursuing detective, Cooper, is presented as almost psychotic; this could be a reversal of the classic "bloodhound detective" chasing a smart and elusive enemy, as in The Day of the Jackal.


Ram Gopal Varma's Autobiography - Naa Ishtam - Part 1




Master of the Game (1982) By:Sidney Sheldon

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The story begins with Kate Blackwell's ninetieth birthday celebrations in 1982 and is told in flashback.

The story then moves one hundred years back to the arrival of Scotsman Jamie MacGregor (1865–1894) in Klipdrift, South Africa in 1883 to seek his fortune. He is soon defrauded by a wealthy Dutch storekeeper, Salomon Van Der Merwe who steals his diamonds, gets him knocked down and leaves him in the desert to die. Jamie is rescued and taken to Capetown by van der Merwe's Bantu servant Banda and in his company, Jamie plans his revenge, as does Banda for his younger sister who was first raped and killed by Salomon. The two sneak into van der Merwe's heavily guarded diamond mines in the Namib Desert and succeed in stealing a load of diamonds worth a fortune. Jamie, now rugged and unrecognizable, returns to Klipdrift, cons Salomon into believing him to be a rich businessman and violates his daughter Margaret who gradually falls in love with him. However, when Jamie learns that Margaret is pregnant by him, he refuses to marry her and reveals to Salomon his true identity. The violation of Margaret's chastity becomes the talk of the town and Salomon plunges into depression and starts drinking and also soon commits suicide, an unhappy man. Jamie, initially, despises Margaret, but when she gives birth to a son, Jamie develops extreme fondness of his son and consents to marrying Margaret for the sake of their young son, Jamie Jr. (1886–1893). Jamie creates a company called Kruger Brent (named after two guards who were calling each other in the diamond field) and pours all his attention into the business. At one point, after Kruger-Brent takes over the diamond mines, a young American named David Blackwell attempts to rob the mines in exactly the same way as Jamie and Banda did, but is caught by the guards. Jamie, feeling sympathy for Blackwell, gives him a job in the company. Jamie likes his determination and he works his way through the ranks becoming a Kruger-Brent executive. Banda, meanwhile, reunites with Jamie and informs him that he is using his share of the diamond fortune to discreetly fight against the government for Bantus' rights. Over the years, however, Jamie finally abandons his vendetta but never really loves Margaret. Instead, he falls for a young prostitute also named Margaret. He comes home one night drunk, and mistakes his wife for his favorite prostitute, and they make love. In 1892, Jamie and Margaret have a daughter Kate. A year later, Jamie, Jr. is mistakenly murdered in a Bantu uprising led by Banda, causing Jamie to have a stroke from which he later dies. Margaret takes over Kruger Brent to secure Kate's future and hires Blackwell to aid her.

Kate grows up beautiful, strong-willed and manipulative. Having fallen in love with David Blackwell as a child she is determined to marry him, and thwarts his engagement by buying the company owned by his fiancee's father. After many years of trying Kate becomes pregnant, but when she is seven months pregnant David is killed in a mine accident, causing her to go into premature labor and give birth to a son, Anthony "Tony" Blackwell (b. 1924). Like her father before her Kate pours her life into Kruger Brent, making it a global conglomerate, and she moves to New York. She naturally expects Tony to take over Kruger Brent, but Tony is more interested in becoming an artist. While he clearly has the potential to become a world-famous artist, Kate secretly destroys Tony's career by bribing a notable French critic to give negative comments on Tony's work. Kate manipulates him into marrying Marianne Hoffmann, whose father owns a scientific patent she covets. The marriage is happy, but Marianne is told by a doctor that pregnancy is out of the question as she would be at risk for a stroke. When she tells Kate this, Kate tells her that doctors can be wrong and to go ahead with a pregnancy. In 1950, Marianne becomes pregnant, but when she is taken to the hospital to give birth her blood pressure goes out of control and she has a stroke. An emergency Caesarian section is performed and twin girls are delivered, but Marianne dies before the second girl is delivered. Her doctor tells Tony that he had warned Marianne of the dangers but that Kate told her to ignore them. The incident, along with the coincidental revelation that Kate manipulated and ultimately destroyed his entire art career, drives Tony mad and he tries to kill his mother in revenge. She survives the gunshot wound, but Tony is committed to an institution.

Kate takes in her two granddaughters, whom she names Eve and Alexandra, to raise. Eve, having inherited Jamie and Kate's ruthless and cunning, sees Alexandra as an interloper and repeatedly attempts to kill her starting when they are young children, taking advantage of their identical looks. Alexandra is thought to be clumsy and accident-prone as they grow up and Kate clearly favors Eve as the heir apparent to Kruger Brent, but when Eve tries to implicate Alexandra in a sex scandal Kate realizes the truth about Eve and disinherits her, giving her only a small allowance. Enraged, Eve plots revenge against both her sister and grandmother. She meets George Mellis, the black sheep of a wealthy Greek family, and seduces him into helping her. Mellis is handsome and cultured, but he is also a violent sadist and homosexual. Eve, knowing this, holds it over his head as she reveals her scheme—to get Alexandra to fall in love with and marry him, after which he will murder her and cause Kate to die of grief. Cued by Eve, Mellis woos Alexandra by being the perfect man who loves all the things she loves, and Alexandra does fall madly in love with him and they marry. Eve continues to taunt Mellis, and one night he snaps and attacks Eve, brutally assaulting her. She eventually recovers thanks to the work of a talented but mousy plastic surgeon and uses the beating to get back into her grandmother's good graces. Kate takes Eve back in and puts her back in the will, making Mellis superfluous. Eve changes tactics, fakes a scar, and begins visiting a psychiatrist pretending to be a depressed, suicidal Alexandra; the plan is that Mellis will take Alexandra out on a yacht where he'll throw her overboard and make it appear as if she killed herself. When Mellis gets on the boat with whom he believes to be Alexandra, he instead finds Eve, who stabs him to death. In the course of the investigation Eve's plastic surgeon, Dr. Keith Webster, overhears a remark about the scar on Eve's head. Having fallen in love with her, he goes to her and reminds her that he left no scar and knows that she killed Mellis. When she tries to deny it, he offers her a deal—if they are married, he won't be forced to testify against her. Eve marries him but cheats on him flagrantly with a young actor. When the actor makes a joke about laugh lines she demands that Webster repair them. Webster deliberately destroys her face and proves to be a master manipulator himself, making Eve completely dependent on him. Alexandra, meanwhile, falls in love with the psychiatrist Peter Templeton; they marry and have a son, Robert.

The book closes at Kate's ninetieth birthday party with all her relatives present. Robert, now seven, is turning into a talented pianist. Kate sees him as Kruger Brent's heir but Alexandra and Peter laugh her off. Looking around at her family, including Tony, who was released from the institution for the occasion, and a masked Eve, Kate still believes that she acted properly, even though everyone in her family has been negatively affected by her actions.


Rage of Angels (1980) By: Sidney Sheldon

                                                                                                                 book cover of   Rage of Angels   by  Sidney Sheldon


Jennifer is a Assistant District Attorney for the State of New York, New York County. A beautiful, inexperienced, criminal defense attorney she becomes the foil for a plot by Michael Moretti, the rising star of one of the most powerful organized crime families in America. Manhattan's District Attorney Robert Di Silva, believing that Jennifer is truly responsible fires her and vows to destroy her for her part in the fiasco with Michael Moretti.

Di Silva arranges young lawyer Adam Warner to meet Parker and to conclude that she is truly responsible for bribe and with that to took away her lawyer license. Upon meeting her Adam falls for Jeniffer and realizes that she isn't guilty at all. With Adam's help Jeniffer begins to rise again, but meanwhile Moretti inspired by her determination to succeed decides he wants her as the Family consigliere (a mafia lawyer).

Adam Warner, married, groomed for the Senate, with possibly a White House destination, he can't help falling in love with Jennifer. When Adam tells Jennifer that his wife has asked for a divorce, Jennifer meets with Warner's wife. Being so close to the Senate election, the two women decide it's best for Adam to wait until after the election. Mary Beth goes to bed one last time with Adam, and tricks him into making her pregnant. Adam learns that his wife is pregnant, wins the election, and tells Jennifer that he truly loves her but they must end their affair. Jennifer having previously discovered that she is pregnant, not wanting to hurt Adam accepts, but doesn't reveal to him that she is carrying his child.

Jennifer gives birth to her son and names him Joshua Adam Parker. She keeps it a secret and only Ken Bailey, her assistant is aware of her son. She returns to practice law and soon makes headlines as a very successful lawyer. Meanwhile, Michael constantly tries to spark friendship with Jennifer but she refuses every time reminding him of the trick he played with her earlier. But, when her son is kidnapped by a criminal Jennifer is defending, she, in desperation, turns to Michael Moretti for help. After helping her, he seduces her and Jeniffer becomes the Family consigliere.
